Robert T. 2017-10-09T13:54:55+00:00

Project Description

Robert T.

I have been training with Matt for over 14 months now. I’ve been on my journey of weight loss for a long time, and Matt has helped me get past the points where it becomes difficult to stay motivated.

When I began my battle I was reaching 375+ lb , I got to a point where I was doing everything right and was stuck… When beginning with Matt I was 345 pounds. The lowest I’ve gotten to date with Matt’s help is 304 pounds. Anyone that battles with weight loss, knows that the scales are an everyday struggle.

Matt’s training has helped me maintain my physical strength and a healthy heart. In addition to learning proper Techniques for many exercises Old and new, kick boxing/Muay Thai , and proper dieting/nutrition techniques.

Many people ask me “why do I continue to use Matt once I’ve learned what I needed to know?” . I reply with, ” even though I may know what to do, having someone to hold me accountable and to always be there to push me to move forward to become healthier, stronger, faster….. is what I need.” . And he’s genuinely a good guy who cares for your success in whatever your training for.